Monday, October 15, 2007

Dallas Cowboys

I like football just like a lot of you out there, but the hype for this past weekend’s Cowboys vs. Patriots game was unreal. Every local TV station had some kind of Cowboys special on it on most if not everyday. Okay so they were 5-0, there are only so many ways you can say “your Dallas Cowboys are 5-0.” You’d think most people would be able to understand the first 30 times they heard it.

It’s probably obvious by now that I’m not a Cowboys fan, but I wouldn’t want to hear about a team I did like every single day. The game was even a top story on the news. Who needs to hear about corrupt officials in the city when there’s a football game on Sunday that could “potentially” be a Super Bowl preview! This is a perfect example of how news organizations are more worried about ratings than actual news. Now I'm sure that if a bigger story happened, it would have higher priority than football. Then again this is Dallas, and the Cowboys take up a big part of peoples lives, which is unfortunate! I mean it's only a game. Maybe it's just me but I don't think that football should be the most important thing in my life.

This kind of reminds me of that 20/80 conversation we had in class. About how 20% percent of the country controls the other 80%. I guess football serves as a distraction for the 80%, while the other 20% deals with the serious issues.

1 comment:

Writing Prof said...

Great entry. Yes, the local media play to their audience, which is sports-crazed, and especially Cowboy-crazed. It can be a little grating if you are not a big fan, especially when you wonder what is being pushed off the front page or off the newscast.

Great post!!